Thursday, August 18, 2011

Still here....

I am still here, and am still advocating for Anastasia. I was not able to get to the library over the summer to use the computer, but the kids went back to school this week, so I hope to get here more often.

Please keep praying for her and help to spread the word so she can find a family of her own!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Beautiful photos!

Just look as this sweet child! She needs a home now more than ever!!!

Many thanks to Joanna, a Reece's Rainbow Mom who helped behind the scenes in getting the photos up on the blog.

Please spread the word! Details on a giveaway coming soon!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Donation box is up!

Look for it on the right hand side of the page!

Not much more I can do today. :( I'm only able to get onto the 15 min. express computer at the library.

Will post more over the next few days!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Welcome!...and please pardon the dust!

Hello everyone! Welcome to the blog I've created to advocate for a sweet orphaned child in Eastern Europe.

I've signed on as a 5/5/5 Warrior for a orphan from Reece's Rainbow. What is Reece's Rainbow, you may ask? Well, let me tell you! :)

Reece's Rainbow is a Christian adoption ministry that advocates for special needs orphans in foreign lands who are languishing away in orphanages. They help to raise funds for waiting children and new families who are going through the adoption process for these orphans.

In reaching their milestone 5th year of service, Reece's Rainbow has started their 5/5/5 Warrior Project - the mission is "to bring greater awareness and grant funds to all of our 5 year-old children, to include those with Down Syndrome and our Other Angels." The goal is to raise $5,000 from May 5, 2011 through July 31, 2011, to add to the children's adoption fund, and also to help these little ones find their forever families!

I am honored to be a 5/5/5 Warrior for a little girl known as Anastasia. (Anastasia is not her real name, because in order to protect the privacy of the children, they are given alternate names for use on the site). Anastasia has been diagnosed as HIV+. HIV is not the death sentence it once was, and there is a lot of information on adopting an HIV+ child, which I hope to post on my blog as soon as possible.

Since I'm just getting started (and unfortunately have limited access to a computer right now, because my home computer is on the blink, so I use the computers at the town library), the website might seem a little bare, but I'm working on sprucing it up! I will also be posting a link to her adoption fund account where people can donate via Paypal. I also hope to host a giveaway!

In closing for now, I humbly ask that you follow my blog, as we start the journey to raise the funds and help to bring Anastasia home!